Ross Jobson

I am a HOSTGA qualified tour guide, living in and specialising in the Far North and Highlands of Scotland. My interests lie in food and drink tours and tastings (especially whisky), Caithness history and the northern Clans. My wife Robyn and I (RobbieMac Tours & Ancestry) provide ancestry research services and/or ancestry tours - fondly called 'walking in the Footsteps of your Ancestors'. It has become a popular choice for travel in the Highlands and Far North of Scotland. Our specialty is ancestry research and tours to help you to 'Walk in the Footsteps of your Ancestors'. 

I was an Australian who now calls the Highlands home for tover 20 years, My wife was a second generation Australian, born into a long line of Scots who maintained the strong traditions and culture of Scotland. This love affair with the ancestral homeland led us to join the returning diaspora, in 2003. I thoroughly enjoy sharing the history and beauty of our dramatic Highlands. and Far North of Scotland.  As a local, I offer excellent local knowledge which will enhance your experience here.

I also provide shore excursions from cruise ships (Scrabster and Invergordon), step-on coach tours for companies, driver/ guiding for small groups and individuals (starting points are Thurso, Wick, Dornoch, Inverness or as agreed). This is a unique destination and the north a superb area of heritage and culture, not to mention the mysts, myths and legends that abound. 

Standard tours or tours tailored to your specific interests, will enthrall you with our amazing mountains, lochs and glens, dramatic coastlines, wildlife and clan and Viking links to our turbulent Scottish history. I look forward to welcoming you to our dramatic Highlands, and to turning your touring dreams into a reality!

First Aid trained

Defibrillator trained

Trained as a Professional Driver (Australia)

    Contact Numbers

  • (0044) 01955611542
  • (0044) 07799688379


  • Half Day
  • Full Day
  • All Year Round

Tour Types

  • Shore Excursions
  • Day Coach Tours
  • Extended Coach
  • Driving Day Tour
  • Driving Extended

Starting Points

  • Invergordon
  • Inverness
  • Scrabster

Tour Interests

  • Ancestry & Genealogy
  • Archaeology & Pre-History
  • Castles & Clans
  • Distilleries & Whisky
  • Geology & Geomorphology
  • Wildlife Fauna & Flora


  • Ross_Jobson
  • English

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